- 注目商品
エフディエム ワークベイシステム ハイブリッド C(プレパレーションシリーズ)FDM WORK BAY SYSTEM HIBRID C
Designed and finalized to the best of the high technology for the most qualitative performances. The aesthetics and functionality of the round basement and plenum are the perfect couple of this innovative product.

Designed and finalized to the best of the high technology for the most qualitative performances. The aesthetics and functionality of the round basement and plenum are the perfect couple of this innovative product.
- Dimensions internally : 7,00 m long x 4,00 m wide x 3,00 m high.
- Dimensions externally ( without equipped rear wall ): 8,94 m long (7lung.+0,6tubular+1,2APP+0,04rear panels+0,10wall space/APP) x 4,08 m wide(3,96larg.+0,6left lateral band+0,6right side band) x 5,28 m high(3high+0,5plenum+0,23basement+1cabinet+0,4motor+ 0,1tubular structure).
- Dimensions externally ( with equipped rear wall ): 9,28 m long (7lung.+0,6tubular+1,2APP+0,04rear panels+0,34rear storage wall + 0,10wall space/APP)x 4,08 m wide(3,96larg.+0,6left lateral band + 0,6right side band) x 5,28 m high(3high+0,5plenum+ 0,23basement+1cabinet+0,4motor+0,1tubular structure).
- All grating above floor metal basement 0,23 m high.
- All filtering plenum 0,50 m high complete with 2 rows of roof-mounted flat light fixtures each light fixture equipped with 4 light bulbs of 58 Watt each.
- Rear wall made of double-skin fiberglass panels 40 mm thick white in colour on the inside and outside.
- Sidewall manual PVC curtains.
- Across front manual PVC curtain.
- Filtering box placed on the rear having inside 5 cylinder-shape containers with dry sleeve filters ready for char-coal, duct to the roof-mounted air make-up extractor unit.
- Belt-drive fan and motor 7,5 Kw 24.000 m³/h.
- Elect/mech control board operating and leading all operations complete with light switch, safety devices control, motor shutdown, door interlock etc..
FDM プレパレーションシリーズのご紹介


メーカー | エフディエム(FDM) |
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